The purpose of our ministry is to ultimately glorify God. This will be accomplished as we carry through with the two-fold mandate of 1) Making disciples, and 2) Winning souls to our Lord Jesus Christ. We intend to nurture our members to these aims through the following interconnected four functions:
As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe our utmost highest purpose is to worship God. The gathering together on Sunday morning for a worship celebration is the culmination of a week of living our lives daily for Him.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of the One and Only True God and is the sole source of truth and spiritual growth. To this end, we have adult, youth, and children’s Sunday School classes to teach our people God’s truths.
As a family, we encourage our members to get involved in one of our many fellowship groups. It is in these smaller, more intimate groups that relationships are nurtured. There are the Evergreen Fellowship for Seniors, various adult fellowship groups, Womens’, Mens’, Campus’, District, Junior, Youth, College, Young Adult, Taiwanese, and Cantonese fellowships.
To carry out the Great Commission given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ, we strive to evangelize and witness to our community and the world. We support overseas missions (missionaries and seminaries), local outreach programs (e.g. homeless shelters and runaway children), as well as our own church seminarians.