Bulletin: 2025-03-09

Bulletin: 2025-03-09


  1. Thank you for all who participated in Pastor Jiuhui Wang’s ordination vote. The General Assembly will be today, 1pm in the church office conference room.
  2. Emmanuel Fellowship monthly Bible study and potluck is Fri., Mar. 14, 7pm in the church office room 206. We will be studying James: “Faith that Works”. Contact P. Larry (larrylee@gpccc.org) for info.
  3. No AWANA and Youth Group due to Spring Break Mar. 14 and 21. There is no childcare but there is babyland (0-2 years old).
  4. Children’s Ministry’s Lunch and Learn is March 23, 1:00-2:20pm in CO-203 on Classroom Management. All teachers, parents and potential teachers can join. Contact Children.Ministry@gpccc.org or click here for info.
  5. Thursday Bible Study
  6. Offering. At GPC, we don’t pass an offering plate. In 2 Cor. 9:7-15, we are taught to give as we are able and with joy. If you would like to give an offering as part of your act of worship, we have offering boxes in the lobby, you can use a credit card or use Zelle with giving@gpccc.org.
  7. Prayer Meeting is Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm (Zoom: 233 085 786; PW 007276). Contact P. Larry (larrylee@gpccc.org) for info.
  8. Baptism Class is Sun., Mar. 23, 1-3pm in the church office. Register with P. Larry (larrylee@gpccc.org).
  9. Our Interchurch Youth Camp is currently looking for Cabin Leaders. Apply online. Please contact P. Chris (chris.sung@gpccc.org) for more information.

GROW (Sundays 11:15am-12:25pm) February

Youth (7th-11th) – Esther (Youth Center) Various Teachers
College & 12th Gr – New City Catechism (D-203) P. Chris
Patchwork Sisters – Psalms and Prayer (B207) Janet Chen and Kelly Ong
Gospel Project (B-110) Nathan Palmer
Book of Genesis (CO-206) Marcus Bejot

WORD: Legacy

Steve Houston • Acts 7

What we see in Jesus forms our legacy.

1. Leave a Legacy by Seeing Jesus Active in History (6:8 – 7:50)

✓ Stephen Faced Unfair Accusations from Hellenists (6:11-15)
They seized Stephen and hauled him off to the Sanhedrin council.
They insisted Stephen blasphemed in referring to Jesus’ words.

✓ Stephen Looks Back at Israel’s Trail of History (7:2-50)
The history of Israel shows that the temple was not indispensable.
The prophets pointed to Jesus – the author, agent, and aim of history.

  • History is being carried out in your story.

2. Leave a Legacy by Seeing Jesus Awaiting in Heaven (7:51-60)

✓ Stephen Makes a Bold Counter Accusation
He faulted his audience for rejecting God’s #1 messenger. (:51-53)
He was hauled off by a mob to an extrajudicial stoning. (:54, 57-59a)

✓ Stephen Goes Down in a Blaze of Glory
He was Spirit-filled (6:5, 10; 7:55a) and Son-focused. (:55b-56)
He who had lived like Jesus died like Jesus died. (:59b,60)

  • Those who come after us might forget what God doesn’t.

By Pastor Steve Houston


  • For Pastor Steve, our youth adult/young family pastor and those he is ministering to.
  • For the Chinese pastoral search committees to have wisdom on how to move forward with their searches.
  • For healing for Kevin Mount who is hospitalized with gout and respiratory issues.

English Worship Service

PrayerP. Chris
Welcome/AnnouncementP. Chris
MessageP. Steve
Reflection SongDuane
BenedictionP. Steve