Bulletin: 2025-01-26

Bulletin: 2025-01-26


  1. English Renewal Weekend is Jan. 31-Feb.2. Pastor Enoch Chan will speak on discipleship. Pray for God to speak through him.
  2. The Chinese School’s Chinese New Year celebration is 1:30pm today in the East parking lot, youth center, and Fellowship Hall. It includes a lion dance, folk dances, and children’s crafts. Everyone is welcome.
  3. Christian Life and Witness Course. (Billy Graham Evangelistic Association) This class is for believers to be strengthened in their faith and can confidently share Christ. Meet at the GPC church office 101 Tuesdays (Jan. 28, Feb. 4) 6:30-8:30pm. Contact P. Larry (larrylee@gpccc.org) for info.
  4. Prayer Meeting is Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm (Zoom: 233 085 786; PW 007276). Contact P. Larry (larrylee@gpccc.org) for info.
  5. Thursday Bible Study, 6-8 p.m. at Marcus & Corina’s. For info, contact marcus.bejot@gmail.com. It’s open to everyone.
  6. College Bible Study is every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Church Office. Please contact P. Chris (chris.sung@gpccc.org) for more info.
  7. Crossroads (Young Adults) Bible Study begins Thu., Jan. 30, 7pm in church office 205. Contact P. Steve (steve.houston@gpccc.org) for info.
  8. Offering. At GPC, we don’t pass an offering plate. In 2 Cor. 9:7-15, we are taught to give as we are able and with joy. If you would like to give an offering as part of your act of worship, we have offering boxes in the lobby, you can use a credit card or use Zelle with giving@gpccc.org.
  9. AWANA Bible Quiz will be at Desert View Bible Church, Sat., Feb. 1, 9:00am-12:00pm. For info, contact Children.Ministry@gpccc.org.
  10. Nepal Mission (Feb. 21-Mar.8). We will join local church leaders to host medical clinics in Shreenagar village (Humla district). Team members are Joe Chao, Louis Chu, Hebi Li and Jennifer Liu. Prayer and financial support are appreciated. Make checks to GPCCC, memo: Nepal STM.
  11. Our church is hiring a secretary assistant (20 hours/week) to help with the office’s ministry. For details, contact Jennifer Liu (jenniferliu@gpccc.org or 480-786-4977).
  12. Children’s Ministry is currently seeking individuals with a passion for teaching to lead our Children’s worship and Children’s Sunday school from March-May and June-August. If interested, contact Children’s Ministry Director, Mary Wong (children.ministry@gpccc.org)

WORD: Power from Above

Larry Lee • Acts 2

The Church Waiting for the Spirit (2:1)

The Church Worshipping the Savior (2:2-13)

The Church Witnessing to Sinners (2:14-41)

The Church Walking in the Spirit (2:42-47)


GROW (Sundays 11:15am-12:25pm) January

Youth (7th-11th) – Esther (Youth Center) Various Teachers
College & 12th Gr – New City Catechism (D-203) P. Chris
Gospel Project (B-110) Nathan Palmer
Book of Acts (CO-206) P. Larry

PRAY: Josh de la Rosa

Josh is our church supported missionary to the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. Josh asks us to pray for…

  • my health. I’ve been having severe asthma attacks which I believe are due to seasonal allergies.
  • expedience as I renew my visa for one more year.
  • wisdom as we start construction on our church lot this month. Their current meeting place is filled every Sunday.
  • the Lord to raise up and call leaders for our ministry.

English Worship Service

PrayerChris Sung
MessageLarry Lee
Reflection SongDuane
Welcome/AnnouncementSteve Houston
BenedictionSteve Houston