Bulletin: 2025-01-19

Bulletin: 2025-01-19


  1. Our 2025 Church Theme is “Maturing in Christ”.
  2. English Renewal Weekend is Jan. 31-Feb.2. Pastor Enoch Chan will speak on discipleship. Pray for God to speak through him.
  3. Prayer Meeting is Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm (Zoom: 233 085 786; PW 007276). Contact P. Larry (larrylee@gpccc.org) for info.
  4. Thursday Bible Study, 6-8 p.m. at Marcus & Corina’s. For info, contact marcus.bejot@gmail.com. It’s open to everyone.
  5. College Bible Study is every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Church Office. Please contact P. Chris (chris.sung@gpccc.org) for more info.
  6. Join Reader’s Circle for brunch and book discussion Jan. 25, 10:30 a.m. on Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. Contact Phu Vuong (phu@vuonglab.com) for info.
  7. Christian Life and Witness Course. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association conducts this class so that believers may be strengthened in their faith and can confidently share their faith in Christ. They will meet at the GPC church office 101 Tuesdays (Jan. 21, 28, Feb. 4) 6:30-8:30pm. Contact P. Larry (larrylee@gpccc.org) for info.
  8. Bible Reading. The reward for the 27 who finished reading through the Bible is a 25% discount off the 2025 Familycamp registration for that individual.
  9. Bible Reading. Bible reading plans for this year are available in the lobby.
  10. Offering. At GPC, we don’t pass an offering plate. In 2 Cor. 9:7-15, we are taught to give as we are able and with joy. If you would like to give an offering as part of your act of worship, we have offering boxes in the lobby, you can use a credit card or use Zelle with giving@gpccc.org.
  11. Nepal Mission (Feb. 21-Mar.8). We will join local church leaders to host medical clinics in Shreenagar village (Humla district). Team members are Joe Chao, Louis Chu, Hebi Li and Jennifer Liu. Prayer and financial support are appreciated. Make checks to GPCCC, memo: Nepal STM.

WORD: Called to Witness

Chris Sung • Acts 1

PRAY: Bangladesh

Churches are careful when offering relief to the poor and needy because they do not want to encourage false conversions among people claiming faith in Christ solely for economic benefit.

While Bangladesh is a majority-Muslim nation, the government avoids undue influence from Islamists and actively fights extremism. Millions of Bangladeshis are learning about Christ and the Bible through media outreaches. 87% of Bangladeshis are Sunni Muslims and 2% are Shia Muslims. Approximately one-half of 1% are Christians. Local Muslim authorities, Islamic extremist groups, families and communities persecute Christians. Hindus persecute believers in northwestern Bangladesh, and Buddhist (Chakma) extremists persecute believers in the southeastern Chittagong Hill Tracts. When Muslims convert to Christianity, they are often forced to leave their community.

Pray that Christians who are rejected by family members because of their faith will show God’s love to them.

English Worship Service

PrayerSteve Houston
MessageChris Sung
Reflection SongDuane
TestimonyBen Tung
Welcome/AnnouncementLarry Lee
BenedictionLarry Lee