Bulletin: 2024-10-20

Bulletin: 2024-10-20


  1. New Members – We praise God for those who have become new members. They are Qi Li, Susan Wang, Yalin & Rui Wang.
  2. The Elder Deacon Board has approved Pastor Steve Houston to be voted on as the English Associate Pastor for a 2-year term. Congregational vote will start Oct. 27 and end Nov. 10. Please pray for God’s leading in this process.
  3. Church Family Talk will be held on Oct. 27 (Sun.) from 1:30-3:00pm in the main sanctuary. Church members please reserve the time to join the meeting.
  4. Missions Pledge Card: Our goal is that every member would make a pledge and reach our 2025 mission budget of $355,000. So far, we have 44 pledges totaling $62,600. The pledge deadline is November 30.
  5. We have an amazing opportunity for you to join our Children’s Ministry team! You can introduce kids to Jesus and witness their transformation as they follow Christ. Would you consider taking on this important role? Please visit us at the Children’s Ministry table in the breezeway today.
  6. Children’s Ministry is recruiting parents and children (grades K and above) to participate in the “Hope-Filled Holiday at ASU” Nov. 9, 3-5pm. All adults are welcome! This is a food packing event organized by Feed My Starving Children. To register, please fill out this form.
  7. Patchwork Sisters is hosting a paper good drive for Casa de Vida (after school program in Chandler). Needed items: toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, paper towels, tissues, napkins. In addition, newborn and size 1 diapers to benefit Choices Pregnancy Center are needed. Drop off donations @ breezeway or B207-208 during GROW. Contact Janet, Jing or Belle for info or to arrange pickup by Oct. 27.
  8. Prayer Meeting is Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30 p.m. (Zoom: 233 085 786; PW 007276). Contact P. Larry (larrylee@gpccc.org) for info.
  9. College Bible Study is every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Office. Please contact P. Chris (chris.sung@gpccc.org) for more info.
  10. Thursday Bible Study, 6-8 p.m. at Marcus & Corina’s, is going through the Gospel of John. For info, contact marcus.bejot@gmail.com. It’s open to everyone.
  11. Child Dedication Sun., Oct. 27. Please register with the church office.
  12. Harvest Festival is Thu., Oct. 31, 6-8 p.m. at the church. We welcome the congregation to join us to celebrate. For info or if you want to serve, contact Local Outreach deacon Sherwin Tang (sherwin_tang@yahoo.com) or Esther Wong (cantonese.ministry@gpccc.org).

GROW (Sundays 11:15am-12:25pm) Sep. – Nov.

Youth (7th-11th) – Ezra (Youth Center) various teachers
College & 12th Grade – New City Catechism (D-203) P. Chris
The After Party (CO-206) Dale Wong
Patchwork Sisters – 2 Samuel (B-207/208) various facilitators

WORD: Stand Firm

Chris Sung • 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17


For those who have suffered loss and were affected by the recent hurricanes.
For the calling of Pastor Steve Houston.
For our church’s involvement in missions and the missions pledge.
For Ee-ling Hodges and Ray Jan’s mom who are battling cancer.

English Worship Service

PrayerP. Larry
MessageP. Chris
Welcome/AnnouncementMarcus Bejot
BenedictionP. Larry